The creation of a right

Following the appalling devastation that the COVID-19 virus will have caused on our society, the Coalition des hockeyeurs du Québec aims to remind a fact of capital importance to all the leaders of this province: our national sport is not only vital to our physical well-being, but as a phenomenon born in Montreal in the 19th century and which today radiates throughout the world, its practice is perceived by many as a typically Quebec law.

The creation of the HPCQ aims to establish this right, for you, for all, by way of respect for our ancestors and as a pledge of confidence for generations to come. Join now the great family of those for whom hockey is essential.


The Hockey Players Coalition of Québec is a planned non-profit organization that promotes access and fairness to the game of ice hockey in every corner of the province. Its primary mission is to assemble a large community of players who, by force of numbers, acquire more means to gain the attention of leaders and elected officials who too often neglect to ensure that simple, free and universal access to his practice be assured to them. And yet the anecdote of kids wearing skates on their feet, equipped with sticks on outdoor skating rinks on winter days, has long passed into the folklore of our people.

Despite the visible efforts that some Quebec municipalities have made in recent years to make ice hockey accessible, it is becoming increasingly difficult and complicated for some of us to track down the opportunities, the time ranges. , places of practice, and permissions to play. Supply is in decline, and the state has failed to make it clear in its policies that spontaneous hockey by many of its fellow citizens is a direct function of his health – and his happiness.

The HPCQ also aims through the number of improving the experience of practicing this sport by means of useful advice and lively collaborations between its members. Membership is free and, over time, the resources and resources of the Coalition will evolve. The stick is on the ice: now it’s your turn to give us the puck!


Here are the focal points on which the HPCQ focuses its efforts:

  • work to legally recognize the HPCQ charter with the Government of Quebec
  • defend the interests of its mission at all times
  • challenge leaders so that they constantly improve the supply of indoor and outdoor places where it is possible to practice hockey
  • challenge leaders to constantly improve the supply, variety and number of time slots during which it is possible to practice hockey
  • encourage the discovery and practice of hockey among Quebec youth
  • encourage the practice of hockey among adults
  • promote exchanges and facilitate communication between its members
  • inform its members about the current affairs of the organization


Hockey, an expression of tradition and customs of Quebec culture.


Be part of the Hockey Players Coalition of Quebec


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