

For the safeguard of amateur hockey


  1. Defines hockey as being the act of sliding one’s body on ice with steel-blade skates with the simultaneous handling of a synthetic puck by way of a stick made out of wood or mineral alloys, where two opposing teams each assembled with five mobile players and a goaler protecting a framed space face one another on an ice surface, as was developed by the first organized indoor hockey game played in Montreal on March 3, 1875, at the Victoria Skating Rink of Montreal (the ‘Act’);
  2. Establishes that an engagement of this Act by any Canadian citizen embodies in itself an expression of traditions and customs of Canadian culture, and consequently should benefit from Canadian laws which provide inheritable protection;
  3. Designates any adult or child, as a citizen of Canada, who embraces a practice of this Act, may this citizen be considered of professional or of amateur proficiency (the ‘Players’), as a beneficiary in full right of the statements of this Charter;
  4. Considers that any elected official, administrator or civil servant of any level in the government of Canada, or of any such official, administrator or civil servant in its provinces or municipalities, including those of public bodies and of crown states (the ‘Leaders’), has the duty and responsibility to oversee and enforce the respect of this Charter and to seize its value;
  5. Therefore asks the State to emancipate this Act as an inalienable right of individual liberty;
  6. Establishes that all prohibition in the individual entertainment of said Act may hinder and perpetrate irreversible damage to Canadian identity;

7. Pretends that a damaging attack on the Quebec identity risks jeopardizing the very foundation of the society from which it came;

8. Understands that during war measures, emergency measures, or any other periods during which extraordinary measures are imposed by the State due to a crisis (the ‘Measures’), its articles may be supplanted for the duration of the said period, but that, according to the lifting of the said Measures, the Directors will see to reinstate access to the Practice as soon as possible and without prejudice;

9. Considers that the Leaders, fully aware that a functional, healthy and efficient Québec society partially depends on free, albeit regulated, access to the Practice, must ensure the right of Hockey players at all times of the year benefit;

10. Considers that in no case or circumstance, aware of the universal nature of the Practice, the Leaders will grant undue privileges to the various sports groups or associations in the province, whether professional or not, which could claim a role of legal or civil representation of a given group of Hockey players, to the detriment or disadvantage of another;

11. Endorses the statements, subscribes alongside, and fully associates itself with, the Canadian charter known as the “Hockey Coalition of Canada”


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The CHQ exists in order to defend your sport.


By way of number, our goal will be attained.